I'm sure you all know of the Mario Super Sluggers virtual card promotion that is currently underway to help promote the release of the Wii video game. For almost a month now, Nintendo has been hiding "virtual baseball cards" online in web advertising banners and kid-friendly websites.
Over the course of the promotion, I have been participating in the little game. I find it amusing to see many people literally losing their minds trying to find cards online. Myself, I have had a run-in with an editor over at Wikipedia who claims that only "little kids" are playing this game. Well to my surprise, there are many adults like myself taking part. Some are even doing it with their children.
As you have read in my
previous entries, Nintendo's website was not the most secure as anyone could have their account compromised and have their collected pilfered simply by requesting their password without having to enter an answer to the hint question you provided upon sign-up. Nintendo quickly fixed that but you have to wonder who exactly within Nintendo has designed this website where the game is being promoted on.
I have come across another flaw in their system which easily allows users to "clone" or make many duplicate copies of cards that have been found. As of last night, there were only two King K.Rool cards in existance. I requested a trade with the one user who had two and offered him 5 cards against his 1 K.Rool card. To my shock and surprise, he accepted the trade.
That's when I put my little plan into action. I had previously seen users claiming they could make copies of their cards by simply finding their own user account and proposing a trade of equal value. What that means is you load 1 card on the left side of the trade screen and you load the exact same card on the right side of the swap screen. You then propose the trade and instantly it tells you that "DCB316 has requested a trade" and it tells you which cards are involved. You simply go to accept the trade and amazingly enough -- you cards
DOUBLED in amount. So your previous ownership of one King K.Rool card has now become two.
From there you must log out of the system and then log back in. Only then can you go and turn your two cards into four and repeat the process over and over.
You're likely wondering though -- "What's the catch"?
What I want in exchange for this information is the following. I shared with you two things so you must do the same thing in return - copy and share my example. Its that simple. There are so many selfish people in the world that its about time that good old fashioned values make a return.
Its a modern day version of
"Pay it Forward" -- I help you so therefore I EXPECT you to turn around and help three total strangers and I only request that you tell them to do the same.
Believe it or not, this system works and its shows how if people would only work together how much better a place the world would be.
Think about it...